Sunday, March 7, 2010



Law enforcement relying on data evidence united state law enforcement agency use data base of dna profiles created by the states and linked through the FBI’s combined dna index system (CODIS). The codis system authorized by congress in 1994, allows law enforcrmrnt officials to exchange and compare dna profiles at the local, state, and national level.

The case is all about advantages and disadvantageas use of DNA database system.

Ans .1

(a) It can use as a evidence.

(b) Computer analys can discover the identity of a criminal by matching DNA from bloods , hair , salivo, other bodily fluids left at a crime place so It ‘s very easy to identify criminals.

(c) It may reduce crime in society.

(d) It can use to prove someone innocence.


(a) DNA database pose risks to the innocent if they contain data on people who are not convicted criminals.

(b) Any problem in system affect the outcome of the result.

(c) It may be chance that innocent peole may be suspected as criminal if any hair or bodily flaids found at criminal spot.


 The bush administration and some state legislation have advocated expanding the FBI national DNA database to include juvenies or people who have been accused of crime but not convicted.

 Accorading to me, it should not limited to convicted felons because many time when crime happens at private or public place where many people have right to be but any single hair or bodily fluids left at a crime place may be chance that innocent convicted as felons so it is not sufficient or not produse accuracy in result.

Ans.4 Law enforsement investigation or security agency are able to use a DNA database.

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